“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Beauty Avenue located at 124 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. in Placentia is truly an avenue of beauty. Owner, Daniel Oh and his staff are deeply committed to the Yorba Linda, Brea, Anaheim Hills, Fullerton, and Placentia communities they serve. Exemplifying this is their ongoing promotion for hair donations to the non-profit children’s charity, Wigs for Kids, as well as their consistent outreach efforts to the H.I.S. House families and individuals located in Placentia.
Regularly, Beauty Avenue will conduct a day of beauty for the H.I.S. House occupants in transition while the same hair stylists and staff of Beauty Avenue are poised each and every day to donate the hair of those patrons that request them to do so for Wigs for Kids. Daniel Oh explains, “We are reminded daily how fragile life can be, and how thankfully blessed we are to have an opportunity to help people in need.”
A place to call Home…H.I.S. House – Placentia, CA

In our effort to support Beauty Avenue’s commitment to its community and those in need, O.C.’s Hair Police is honored to provide a charitable contribution to both Wigs for Kids and H.I.S. House on their behalf. We would like to also thank Daniel and his Beauty Avenue members as they remind us that the beauty within each of us can truly change the lives of others through the simplest of gesture’s woven into an avenue of giving.
A place to call Home…H.I.S. House – Placentia, CA

The journey leading one to a place of empathy and action is truly inspirational as well as deeply enlightening. Most definitely the evolution of Wigs for Kids and H.I.S. House exemplify just this.
The non-profit charity for children Wigs for Kids developed when a beloved niece diagnosed with leukemia, her Uncle a highly influential hair stylist, his promise to her, a flood, and the genuine compassion of the human spirit was tapped into.
Jeffrey Paul began the journey leading him to the creation of Wigs for Kids over 30 years ago. Paul’s niece had been diagnosed with leukemia. Devastated at the thought of losing her hair, Paul’s niece made an emotional plea to him to please provide her with hair so that she would not have to be bald when she tried out for the gymnastics team she had dreamt of representing ever since she could remember. Paul promised she would have hair.
Children are much more active than adults and their heads are smaller. This posed as a very difficult challenge for Paul. After countless consultations with doctors and prosthetics specialists, the creation of a hairpiece that would uphold its look as if it were a child’s very own hair was devised. The wig that Paul developed remains on the scalp before, during, and after the most rigorous child activities inclusive of gymnastics!
Chemotherapy saved Paul’s nieces life. Due to the Chemotherapy treatments that left her bald however, she chose to wear her wig for her gymnastics competition. Paul sat in the stands cheering her on as she pointed to her head while looking up to him after finishing a routine. In that moment Paul proclaimed, “Tears ran down my face. I knew that God was taking me to another place in my life. The time was right for me to reach out.”
In 1989, the Presbyterian Church founded H.I.S. House. The “H.I.S.” of H.I.S. House stands for Homeless Intervention Shelter. In its humble beginnings, this three bedroom two bath farmhouse nestled in Placentia where raising citrus fruit, walnuts, avocados, and grapes abound shared in the synergy of a town that boasted the Valencia Orange Growing and Packing company as a fabric of its community. The love that once was reflected in a nurturing farmhouse has grown in its goodness to become a transitional shelter for families and individuals that are suffering from homelessness.
The depth of compassion that is woven into this property is reflected in its now burgeoning 13 guest room, 5 bathroom, 2 kitchen and family rooms, one living room and library, and a resident manager quarters. The length of stay for its transitioning residents is 4-6 months. To date, H.I.S. House has lovingly assisted over 2000 families, singles, and children regain self-sufficiency.
Our human spirit yearns for the love from one another. We are blessed to have the Beauty Avenue’s, the Wigs for Kids, and the H.I.S. House’s amongst us and those within their organizations that drive a deep sense of connectivity and compassion as members of our very own communities.
“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” Hippocrates
Anika Ortiz is 11 years of age. Within these first precious years of life she has experienced tragedy on a level that one would hope to never be exposed to in a lifetime. From the depths of despair, Anika has continued to soothe her heartache through helping those that are struggling emotionally and physically also. Anika has established a “pop-up” boutique with a portion of the proceeds being donated to low-income women and families challenged with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, domestic violence, and other difficult life altering issues.
The name of her boutique is Anika’s Pink Closet. It is located at the Mariposa Women and Family Center on West Town and Country Road in the city of Orange. One time per month the boutique will be open at the Center spanning over the course of one year. Each time the boutique is open, there will be a speaker discussing topics that are relevant to young girls such as bullying and setting healthy boundaries. Anika herself will also offer her personal fashion tips while engaging her audience with mounds of self-confidence.
Items in the boutique for purchase include clothing, accessories, toys, and other goods for girls. Anika has cleaned her closet out as well as purchased on Craigslist to round out her initial line of product. 10% of all proceeds will be donated back to the Mariposa Women and Family Center. Anika also encourages donations of items to be dropped off at the Center in order for her to sale.
Anika lost her sister, Alejandra Hernandez, a couple years ago to domestic violence. Alejandra was murdered by her estranged husband, John Rand Agosta. Agosta is currently serving 50 years to life for this horrific crime. Maria Ortiz is Anika and Alejandra’s mother. She had wanted to honor her daughter while reaching out to others with similar experiences. Anika’s desire to create a boutique was the catalyst to assist those that are looking to heal.
O.C.’s Hair Police would like to honor Anika, Maria, Alejandra, and the Mariposa Women and Family Center for the enormity of their hearts and the difference they are making within their community as our current “In It To Win It” recipients. It is the unsung heroes amongst us that are able to provide strength to those in despair so that they may shed the past for a better tomorrow. O.C.’s Hair Police is proud to assist in this process with a donation provided to Anika’s Pink Closet as well as the Mariposa Women and Family Center.
“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!” George Elliston
“There is no substitute for books in the life of a child.” Mary Ellen Chase
Mackenzie Bearup and Sheltering Books is our current “In It To Win It” recipient. Mackenzie is 18 years of age. She suffers from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This incurable disease characterized by severe pain, swelling, and changes in the skin inspired Mackenzie to create the Non-Profit Organization, Sheltering Books in 2007.
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” Stephen King
Sheltering Books collects books to donate to homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters and residential treatment centers that house children throughout the U.S. To date, Mackenzie and her two brothers, Alex and Benjamin have delivered over 360,000 donated books to children in these shelters. Books have helped to remove Mackenzie from her daily discomfort caused from her disease. Recognizing the healing “magic” of books and her desire to offer this same sense of peace to those children perhaps in pain themselves of a completely different nature reflects a deep sense of thoughtfulness wrapped in pure goodness.
“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” Mason Cooley
As our “In It To Win It” recipient, O.C.’s Hair Police will forward a monetary donation to Sheltering Books reflecting our gratitude for their efforts to heal the hearts and minds of those children that find themselves in a less than desirable situation that they can neither fix nor remove themselves from physically. O.C.’s Hair Police would like to further honor Mackenzie’s efforts by establishing our very own “Sheltering Books” in our Treatment Center over the summer of 2015.
Walt Disney once wrote, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
The book donations that we receive throughout the summer will then be offered to the local chapter of Project Hope Alliance as they are collected. Project Hope Alliance has been working toward ending the cycle of homelessness throughout our country for over 25 years. In Orange County alone, there are 30,000 homeless children. Project Hope Alliance tirelessly works with homeless children to peel away the layers of stress, anxiety, and trauma so that they may stand the greatest chance of success in living a balanced, healthy life free from the emotionally paralyzing and chaotic state that homelessness triggers within the brain.
“You will be transformed by what you read.” Deepak Chopra
O.C.’s Hair Police recognizes that it is as a community that we define tomorrow’s level of kindness and sense of communal purpose by what we do today. It is in this spirit, that we excitedly ask to join with you to collect books to be donated to Project Hope Alliance. With each book that we receive from you, your child or children’s name/s will be placed on our “Best Day” donor wall for those that follow to be inspired to hopefully do the same.
“…when you put a book in a child’s hands, you are bringing that child news of the infinitely varied nature of life. You are an awakener.” Paula Fox
We will be collecting books during regular business hours. A box will be placed outside our door for those that stop by when we are closed. In advance, O.C.’s Hair Police thanks you for teaming with us to help heal one child at a time.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Students ranging from fourth to sixth grade at Springbrook Elementary School in Irvine proudly represent The Springbrook Ambassadors. The group was established as the school’s leadership program. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, this compassionate team of children chose to represent one of their own for their annual Day of Service project.
Michael Fullmer is eight years old, in third grade, and is a fellow student at Springbrook Elementary. Mikey, as he is affectionately called, suffers from a rare skin disorder referred to as epidermolysis bullosa. The disease causes skin to tear and blister easily. Mikey’s parents painstakingly wrap him in bandages daily to help to keep his skin from doing just this.
Nearly 80 students comprised of the Springbrook Amabassadors combined with South Lake Middle School and University Park Elementary set up a snack and lemonade stand on MLK Day on Mikey’s behalf in order to raise funds to apply toward research for epidermolysis bullosa. Motorists passing by the corner of Greenmoor and East Yale Loop in Irvine were so moved by the efforts of these deeply empathetic children to the point that their contributions culminated into a grand total of $1,141.00! To make a donation or to learn more about epidermolysis bullosa, please go to ebresearch.org. The EB Research Partnership was founded by Mikey’s parents when they merged their fundraising arm with a New York families organization that too have a son suffering from the same disease.
O.C.’s Hair Police would like to recognize the unconditional kindness of the students of The Springbrook Ambassadors as our most recent In It To Win It recipients while we offer our support of their efforts toward their schoolmate, Mikey, with a donation to EB Research in their name. So often, we bypass the power of a child’s heart in our busy days as they remain before us patiently awaiting to be called upon. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages taking a moment to glance their way to embellish in this gift for as Henry Ward Beecher once stated, “Children are the hand by which we take hold of heaven.”
Nestled up against a cozy neighborhood in Costa Mesa, the occupants of the unassuming building housing Girls, Inc. thrive. Their joyful sounds at play drown out the bustle of Costa Mesa’s Newport Blvd. a mere two blocks away while the pristine 10 acre Lion’s Park offers itself as a lovely buffer to the hectic life that engulfs city dwellers.
Within the peaceful walls of Girls, Inc., girls of all ages are inspired daily to be “Strong, Smart, and Bold”! Programs such as Y.E.S.S. and S.T.E.M. nurture 138,000 members across the U.S. and Canada by providing them with life-changing experiences and real solutions to the issues that are unique to the challenges that young ladies face on a daily basis.
O.C.’s Hair Police is so impressed with Girls, Inc. and their programs of empowerment therein that we have chosen the Girls, Inc. members of the Costa Mesa location as our current “In It To Win It” recipients. We received 12 essays from the 5th and 6th grade young ladies at Girls, Inc. that touched on their summer memories. The vibrant colors depicting their essays in art form served as lively backdrops to their written words. Their respective stories spoke of Y.E.S.S. and/or discussed their experiences through a prism embracing a science like perspective influenced by S.T.E.M. For your viewing, their essays are posted on our FB page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/OCs-Hair-Police-Treatment-Center/552243538129181
Y.E.S.S. stands for Youth, Empowerment, Self, Sufficiency while S.T.E.M. is an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Both programs celebrate the embodiment of the characteristics that are the basic foundation of being a girl while encouraging them to utilize these attributes toward creating a start up business to embracing the sciences.
These lovely young ladies should be proud of their ability to incorporate a creative flair to the fundamentals of business and the sciences as reflected in their summer tales which popped off the page draped in full color artistry. In the same breathe, the Girls, Inc. organization should be applauded for their efforts to encourage their members to expand their basic thoughts by pushing the limits of their thinking to reach beyond established boundaries to a realm of limitless innovation.
If it is to be true that, “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” (John W. Whitehead) Then, we can be rest assured that Girls, Inc. is creating a beautiful tomorrow with their message in a bottle of “Strong, Smart, and Bold!” to wash up on the shores of the future for the world to behold.
Arroyo Elementary School is located in North Tustin. The Mustangs are an impressive school reflected in their many accolades of which include the California Distinguished School Award for the year 2014. Their principal, Mrs. Villegas, has a favorite quote. It is “Carpe Diem” or “Seize the Day”! Second grade student Sabeen has done just this.
Sabeen loves her library. She looks forward to visiting her library regularly and wanted to express her gratitude for this in some way. Sabeen asked her teacher what she could do along these lines. Her teacher steered her to their principal Mrs. Villegas. Mrs. Villegas thought it best that she sign up with Ripple Kids™ as a means in which to effectively direct her endearing efforts.
Ripple Kids™ is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering kids to take action in their communities by publicizing what their peers are doing. The evolution of Ripple Kids™ began in 2003 when the founder Bridget Belden was enlightened by her 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son as she would watch them naturally extend themselves to help others in a purely unconditional manner. Her epiphany from these experiences translated into the profound recognition that, as she states, “…If we can empower and support kids while they have the inclination and the creativity, what kind of community issues can we resolve? What kind of adults will those kids grow into? What kind of world can we create?”.
Sabeen exemplifies Mrs. Belden’s powerful view of the genuine kindness of a child’s heart and the tenderness of a Ripple Kids™ profile. Sabeen took the initiative to “Seize the Day” by signing up to become a Ripple Kid™. Sabeen’s idea to sell popsicles at her school with the intent to donate the proceeds to her library was provided guidance, encouragement and nurtured through the Ripple Kids™ website. In addition, she had help from her Mom, Dad, and Sister. Sabeen raised $59.00 for her library through her popsicle sales! The process made her feel “…very good and happy”.
Sabeen is 8 years old. At such a young age, she has been driven by her love for her library to simply want to offer this love back to the place on campus that makes her feel so good. In being guided by what is right, she was able to recognize that, as she has expressed, “…some small work can make a big difference”. Sabeen is truly a leader in stepping forward to create a positive “ripple effect” amongst her peers as she embraced becoming a Ripple Kid™. In honor of Sabeen’s lovely heart, unconditional gesture of gratitude, and leadership qualities, O.C.’s Hair Police is proud to submit a donation to the Arroyo Elementary School Library on behalf of Sabeen as our current “In It To Win It” recipient.
“STAY-Students Thinking About Youth”: OC Hair Police May “In It to Win It” Honoree
“STAY-Students Thinking About Youth”: May 2013 “In It to Win It” Honorees (pictured from left to right) : Riley Dun, John Passnnante, Delaney Knipp, Mia Matsunami, Annabella Peca, Berniece Padilla, Claire Hefner, Zoe Gleason, Avalon Miracle, Jasmine Ishihama, and Sophia DePacol. Not pictured are Melanie Perry and Desiree Quinonez.)
OC’s Hair Police is thrilled to announce our very first “IN IT TO WIN IT” recipient. Each month, OC’s Hair Police will hold a drawing in an ongoing effort to recognize the exceptional efforts of a student and/or group of students that have made a positive impact at their school.
OC’s Hair Police is asking for your input by offering us the nominee’s. Please submit your nominee’s through our email on our website, on our Facebook and/or simply give us a call!OC’s Hair Police will reward the winner of the monthly drawing with a donation to their cause.
OC’s Hair Police is thrilled to announce that May’s recipient goes to “STAY-Students Thinking About Youth” out of Newport Heights Elementary(NHES). STAY consists of a group of 6th grade students that are working together to raise money to give back to their school as their tenure ends on the Elementary level.
STAY’s goal this year is to contribute items that make a lasting impression by beautifying NHES or improving upon their student experience. Two considerations are EZ-Up’s to provide shelter for the Special Needs students during outside assemblies or a mural in the MPR (Multi-Purpose Room) emphasizing “Every Child, Everyday, Education for Success.”
STAY’s primary fundraising is via a monthly cookie and lemonade stand. They have also done a Used Book Fair and are planning a Fun Activity Raffle. Member Delaney Knipp stated, “I am always excited for the first Friday of every month because that is when we do STAY. It is so much fun hanging out with my friends and selling lemonade and cookies to kids.”
The STAY members agree that NHES has been such a great experience and given them so much, they want to give back so that younger kids can have an even better experience. STAY members pictured from left to right are: Riley Dun, John Passnnante, Delaney Knipp, Mia Matsunami, Annabella Peca, Berniece Padilla, Claire Hefner, Zoe Gleason, Avalon Miracle, Jasmine Ishihama, and Sophia DePacol. (Not pictured are Melanie Perry and Desiree Quinonez.)
STAY was established at NHES during the 2009/2010 school year. OC’s Hair Police is “IN IT TO WIN IT” with STAY and applauds their efforts of a job well done!!!
Best Day is a subsidiary of O.C.’s Hair Police
Claire Olmstead: June “In It to Win It” Honoree
“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” Helen Keller (One of Claire’s fondest quotes)
Claire Olmstead is near completion of her Freshman year at Newport Harbor High School (NHHS) in Newport Beach. She is a member of the High Schools Surf Team and is planning to offer her exceptional athleticism to the Sailors Cross Country Team in the Fall. She is enrolled in Advance Placement (AP) courses and is regarded as an Honor Student due to her high GPA. She maintains aspirations to attend college.
This hard charger however, is a true Soul Surfer. The tender side of Claire finds time to bake and to give. She is a unique young lady in that her perspective is based on a much broader scope than typical teen self indulgence. Reflective of this, were her thoughts that lead her to create a “Club within a Club” at NHHS to benefit homeless children.
As Claire explained, “I have always loved to bake, but I never knew what to do with all of the treats I made. That led me to start thinking about ways that my baking could benefit the community.”
She has often volunteered at Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter (OCIS), a loving place for homeless families, and thought that her baking might enhance the birthday parties that OCIS holds for the children at their center. “When brainstorming about what to do with my baked goods, the monthly birthdays seemed like a perfect match.” said Claire.
In order to be able to offer her sweet treats however, she needed to be represented by a Club recognized by OCIS. Claire would not be deterred to follow her heart and approached the Culinary Club, FHS, at NHHS. FHS was so impressed that they allowed her to create a branch just for the purposes of baked goods and so that homeless children at OCIS would be able to receive something as simple as a birthday cake on their very special day. “ It is really rewarding when you get to do something you love to provide kids with something that they might have never had before. I just feel good and proud that we are bringing joy into people’s lives, even if it is just a slice of cake.”
O.C.’s Hair Police is truly impressed with your fortitude and kindness Claire and is honored to offer a donation to NHHS’ FHS Club so that you may continue baking up happiness one child at a time with “just a slice of cake.”
Best Day is a subsidiary of O.C.’s Hair Police
Molly McWhertor: September “In It To Win It” Honoree
At the onset of the 2013-2014 school year, Molly McWhertor will enter High School as a 9th grader. It appears, however, as if she has left a legacy behind at her former academic stomping ground of Horace Ensign Intermediate School located in Newport Beach.
Matthew Kenslow: October “In It To Win It” Honoree
Matthew Kenslow has a passion for juggling. He has delighted audiences for years with his ability to not only toss several items of varying shapes into the air simultaneously while continuing the circular motion but, also by adding a very impressive narrative of dates and facts to the act. His interest in juggling began with a stress relief ball given to him by his Aunt Debbie upon her return from an air show.
This simple gift from Aunt Debbie ignited a drive in Matthew with one fateful toss into the air that has allowed hundreds to be entertained for nearly 8 years now. Matthew maintains more than a passion for juggling. Since he can remember, he has always drawn. In 2012, he established an original and hand made card website called KENSLOW CARDS.
Again, a simple gift for his birthday in 2009 afforded him the opportunity to purchase supplies in order to begin to recreate his artistry on a canvas that could then be purchased as an original hand made card. His website is www.kenslowcards.webs.com. On over 95% of his cards, he insists on painstakingly providing his original signature. This multifaceted young man had a speech delay until the age of 3 and has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.
Matthew is a joy to speak with. He references with pride the chronological order of the growth of his online card business and affectionately recants his yearly return to his second grade teacher’s, Mr. Thaddeus Richards, classroom at Newport Heights Elementary so that he may delight Mr. Richards students with his juggling act.
Additionally, Matthew confidently discusses the difficult task of attaining the Gold Medal of Achievement award through the Royal Ranger Program that he has accomplished. This organization is the Christian version of the Boy Scouts and their Eagle Scout medal of honor. Currently, he is a Junior Commander within the program. Matthew is also in his first year of Junior College at Orange Coast College.
It is an understatement to say that Matthew is an anomaly. Throughout his life he has transformed expressions of love toward him into outward gifts of the same to those around him in a vastly growing circle. In nurturing this seemingly natural signature response, Matthew has asked that O.C.’s Hair Police provide our current “In It To Win It” donation to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at his former High School, Newport Harbor High. This on campus club embodied the simple gift of a “nice atmosphere of people and friends” for Matthew.
O.C.’s Hair Police is honored to promote Matthew’s healthy perspective of human interaction through kindness to the FCA so that they may continue to inspire the Matthew’s amongst us to be our reminder that our differences can be our strengths in unifying where we would have otherwise remained oceans apart.
Best Day is a subsidiary of O.C.’s Hair Police
Sophie, Rianne, Kayla, Amber, Jacquelyn, Mary, and OC Girl Scout Troop: December “In It To Win It” Honorees
Sophie, Rianne, Kayla, Amber, Jacquelyn, Mary, and OC Girl Scout Troop: December “In It To Win It” Honorees
In Savannah, Georgia on March 12th, 1912, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low gathered 18 girls for the very first Girl Scout meeting. Today Girl Scouts of the USA maintains 3.2 million members from girls to adults and touts over 59 million Girl Scout alumnae throughout the U.S.
Sophie, Rianne, Kayla, Amber, and Jacquelyn are current active members and form a troop in Orange County. These girls with the addition of Sophie’s sister, Mary, from another local troop are going to participate in the Day of Christmas that is being organized by Gen 1 Youth Ministry out of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and the StandUp For Kids Not-For-Profit Organization. http://www.gen1youth.org/http://www.standupforkids.org/orangecounty/
A Youth Minister from Our Lady Queen of Angels spoke to the Girl Scout troop referencing the amount of homeless children throughout Orange County. As an example, she pointed out to the girls that quite possibly at least 5 kids that attend their school do not have a place to lay their head at night, that teenage homeless are embarrassed of their situation, that there are a multitude of reasons for a child to be homeless, and that they do not necessarily reflect the stigma of uncleanliness that is so often associated with being homeless.
The Girl Scout troop was moved to want to help. The StandUp For Kids national organization upholds a mission “…to end the cycle of youth homelessness throughout the United States.” This year, they are partnering with Gen 1 Youth Ministry at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in offering the Day of Christmas to Orange Counties homeless children.
Sophie, Rianne, Kayla, Amber, Jacquelyn, and Mary are excited to assist in the cooking and food preparation the day before the event while offering their photography, videography, and Santa Helper expertise on the very day of the festivities.
O.C.’s Hair Police is impressed at the compassion of the of the young ladies in this Girl Scout Troop and feel it only appropriate to have them as our December “In It To Win It” recipients. On their behalf, we happily will donate to the StandUp For Kids organization.
These young ladies will unknowingly leave an indelible mark upon each of us through their compassion, empathy, and concern for their community and for kids their same age. Their unconditional efforts reverberate by instilling hope for tomorrow while inspiring society at large to embrace an opportunity to develop a sense of humanity that otherwise may have not been considered if it weren’t for their actions toward a select number of their peers whom are regularly searching for a peaceful place to rest their weary heads as the night blankets the earth.
Best Day is a subsidiary of O.C.’s Hair Police
Best Day is a subsidiary of O.C.’s Hair Police
Jaclyn, Savi, Khushi, Gavin: “In It To Win It” February Honorees
“From the day my brother was born, he was presented with challenges. I became the overprotective sister…and became even more sensitive about how he was treated then him. I couldn’t imagine his world at the time; I still have trouble trying to wrap my head around the fact that he can’t see all that well. Being blinded by the light thrown onto me…took me to his dark, noisy, blurry world. …having to deal with only being able to see three feet in front of him his entire life, the kid is nothing short of a miracle.”
This insert was borrowed from an essay written this year by Newport Harbor High School sophomore Jessy about her younger brother. Jessy’s younger brothers humble beginnings started at Blind Children’s Learning Center (BCLC). Canyon High School student Jaclyn Skvarla shares in a similar path as Jessy.
Though neither young lady knows the other, each are in high school and both have disabled brothers that attended BCLC. This year, Jaclyn was presented with an assignment that would lead her back to a place where hearts heal as disabled children are nurtured on a course to become more then their families could ever dream of them being as these precious lives manage in the world with much less than the norm.
Jaclyn’s project requirement maintained that the outcome of the plan would have to provide meaningful results that would carry over into a long term gain for the people of an organization. Jaclyn wanted to “…give back some of the joy everyone brought us!” at BCLC by building the school a sensory garden.
Jaclyn offered her idea to her classmates Savi Williams, Khushi Arora, and Gavin Bains whom immediately embraced the concept. The foursome created a plan for a sensory garden in a planter on the BCLC campus. Determined to make a difference, they raised funds through a bake sale allowing them to purchase the needed supplies. The sensory garden maintains labels in Braille and is accessible independently by a wheelchair.
The world is blessed with unsung heroes if just for a moment one steps back to look. BCLC is an environment that answers this calling. Through their respective brothers lives, both Jaclyn and Jessy have been given the ability to maintain a peaceful acceptance of an imperfect world, the understanding of the strength of an indelible spirit wrapped in disability, the richness of love as it faces vulnerabilities ongoing.
BCLC nurtures “A Bond Like No Other”, as Jessy’s essay is titled, for countless young disabled children and their families. O.C.’s Hair Police commends Jaclyn, Savi, Khushi, and Gavin for their sensitivity to the visually impaired and blind students at BCLC as they brighten these children’s lives daily with their gift of a sensory garden.
In this spirit, O.C.’s Hair Police will proudly donate to BCLC’s sensory garden on behalf of Jaclyn, Savi, Khushi, and Gavin as they are deemed our “In It To Win It” current honorees.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James
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