Nearly 50 years ago in 1972, Newport Harbor High School Biology Teacher, Robert House, began to dare to dream of developing a gully and its adjacent unused land being co-opted at the time as a dumping area for the bus garage, by a thriving jungle of non-descript vegetation migrating into sloping backyards, and healthy weed patches abounding into a natural arena to take his students to so that they may learn nature from the “real world.” The region he was eyeing was situated just on the other side of the fence defining Newport Harbor High Schools outer east perimeter. House visualized improving upon this land to create an “educational facility for all ages to enjoy and from which to learn.”
Robert House, his fellow Biology teachers at Harbor High, and countless community and homeowner organizations worked tirelessly to develop this open space. Their enthusiasm fed the dreams of a vision leading to the ultimate creation of The Environmental Nature Center or as it is lovingly called The ENC. In the year 2017, the population of Newport Beach was 85,186 within a land mass of 23.78 square miles. It is fascinating to think that at one point the very land that The ENC now occupies provided stakes for students to picket their cows, horses, and sheep to while attending the Agriculture Program of the now disbanded Union High School District prior to the wasteland it became until 1972.
Open fields from time gone by were becoming an anomaly in Newport Beach in the seventies. Exemplifying just this is the Newport Back Bay accessed by teachers and their students as a means in which to learn about topography to botany. The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve and The Ecological Reserve which has carved out 140 acres and 1 ½ square miles of precious bluffs, open water, mudflat, saltmarsh, freshwater marsh, riparian and upland habitat did not become designated its nature preserve in its entirety until the 1980’s after decades of lawsuits battling against the threat of the area to be developed into a marina with private homes and docks when its original use as a salt works was flooded in 1969.
In 1993, the Jepson Manual study determined that the California plant population included 2,153 species, subspecies, and varieties endemic and native solely to California. This vast diversity in botany is attributed to the size of the state as well as its varied topographies, climates, and soils therein.
Today the ENC spans over 5 loving acres and is home to “…one of the most unique examples of native California flora within Southern California…” which in turn has attracted insects, spiders, lizards, snakes, amphibians, mammals, as well as over 130 bird species. This impressive bird population has been recorded by the local Audubon Chapter. The ENC is an affirmation to the phrase “If you build it…he will come.” A phenomenon of movement most recently prophesied by James Earl Jones in the movie Field of Dreams.
There is well thought out day activities, camps, and educational programs for children to adults at The ENC throughout the year making a trip to The ENC truly worthwhile. Events up until May will be capped off with the Spring Faire and the opening of the Butterfly Exhibit!
It has been documented that nature taps into our instinctive biophilia helping to heal the spirit on both an emotional as well as physical level. With this in mind, O.C.’s Hair Police hopes that you and your family are able to find the time to wander the grounds of The ENC to stimulate the senses while enjoying a peaceful moment to be together within “…a completely natural area where’…all are able to…‘experience the sounds of birds, the smell of flowers and the textures of nature.” • • • * • *
“Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” William Cullen Bryant

Over 2 decades ago, Duane and Kelly Roberts saved the Mission Inn located in the city of Riverside from destruction. The Inn is a member of the prestigious Historic Hotels of America maintaining a rich history dating back to its very first guests in 1876. This California landmark “…evokes the romance and enchantment of a European castle…” At this time each year, The Festival of Lights is offered for everyone to enjoy by the Roberts as their gift to the community. The Inn proudly displays the largest manmade mistletoe at a size of 12’ x 8’ amongst 4 million dazzling holiday lights. This spectacle is a must see for families.
The Inn is located on Main Street in downtown Riverside. Main Street offers horse-drawn carriage rides, an outdoor ice-skating rink, holiday vendors, and family-friendly entertainment. The Inn’s lobby proudly has on display a breathtaking Christmas tree that can be marveled at while enjoying a holiday treat from the original Casey’s Cupcakes®.
Santa’s elves will even tuck your loved ones in for a long winter slumber with a present-filled stocking and a keepsake book if you choose to stay at the Inn! An evening spent at the Inn and strolling down Main Street will leave your child believing in the magic of this time of year.
Please click on their website to begin the memory of a lifetime.
APRIL 2017

As we move toward commemorating Earth Day on April 22, it is interesting to note that it has been determined that there are approximately 400,000 types of flowering plant species canvassing the earth today. The Convention on Biological Diversity comprised of 193 members scoured over 600,000 plant names to refine the vast number of plant species listings into a singular master list. This was a 3-year process that was initiated at their 2002 Convention.
Over 125 million years ago, the very first flower thrived in freshwater lakes quite possibly nibbled on by the Brachiosaurus and Iguanodon Dinosaurs sharing the land at that point in our earth’s history. The “Montesechia Vidalii” as it is referred to has been determined to be the first Angiosperm, flowering plant, to exist. It’s discovery has occurred in Central and Northern Spain amongst what is now the mountainous regions of that country.
Lead Scientist, Professor David Dilcher of Indiana University has stated, “There’s still much to be discovered about how a few early species of seed-bearing plants eventually gave rise to the enormous, and beautiful, variety of flowers that now populate nearly every environment on Earth.”
The Flower Fields at Carlsbad® Ranch boast of nearly 50 acres of spectacular Giant Tecolote Ranunculus flowers brightening the hillside they emerge from with unbelievably vibrant colors as they reflect off of the Pacific Ocean in a symphony of natural magnificence. This breathless sight seemingly glorifying the arrival of Spring and rebirth has become an aspect of San Diego’s local heritage for over sixty years. The flowers are reaching their peak bloom right now and the fields are open until Mothers Day on May 14th.
Out of the 365 chosen days in the year, it seems fitting that the culmination of the Flower Fields would rest yearly upon the commencement of Mother’s Day. Within the United States, Mother’s Day will be 103 years strong in 2017. According to Wesleyan Antolini in her Ph.D. dissertation, the founder of Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis, began a lifelong commitment to promote, “…a day where you’d go home to spend time with your mother and thank her for all that she did,” by organizing the first Mother’s Day Observance in 1908 inspired by her own Mother’s death in 1905.
In its infancy, Mother’s Day traditions can be traced to ancient Greece and date as far back as the 1600’s. Throughout time, the radiant colors and stimulating fragrances flowers provide have been interlaced into the centuries of honor and dedication. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages you to pile the kids into the car and day trip to the Flower Fields. As you and your family become mesmerized by the awe-inspiring splendor of Mother Nature on display, we would like to offer the following thoughts.
“…flowering plants,…account for much more biomass than terrestrial animals and provide the structural canvass of the vast majority of land based eco-systems.” per Nick Fleming online, BBC-Earth.
Much like the radiant flower, so too shines the beauty and power of each and every Mother within the balance of nature and her profound relevance therein. In saying this, O.C.’s Hair Police believes it only appropriate then to memorialize in flowers that which mirrors proportional distinction in magnitude.
For those Mother’s that immerse themselves and their families within the living masterpiece of flora alongside the Carlsbad hillside, may you embrace your importance within as you glance upward toward Mother Earth speaking through the Flower Fields as their brilliance in virtue emulates your very own indelible impression amongst us all. Enjoy!

Throughout the Netherlands and Scandinavia nearly 1,000 years ago, animal bones were laced to the footwear of those looking to travel on frozen lakes and rivers. In 1592, a Scotsman developed an all-iron skate. For the Dutch, this innovation lead to a surge in traveling on blades between villages as well as an efficient and popular means of transport beginning in the 1600’s. On the Fens in England in 1763 the maiden speed skating race was launched, one hundred and twenty one years prior, the first Skating Club was established in Edinburgh in 1642.
North America was introduced to speed skating shortly after 1763. By 1850 and nearly eighty five years into being introduced to the sport, the U.S. had developed a lighter, sharper, all-steel blade. Americans have without question embraced the gamete of sporting events and pastimes offered within the realm of ice skating since its inception within our country.
The average daily degrees in Southern California reaches 75 farenheit. The temperature required in order for a lake to begin to freeze from its perimeter inward is 32 degrees. During this process, the air must remain colder than the water. Southern Californian’s are not deterred easily and in this instance climate is not a factor. Listed below are six of many ice skating rinks throughout our adventure seeking, health conscious County. From public skate to figure skating to ice hockey to broomball, the sport of ice skating is thriving in the O.C.
As California enters into its rainiest season in five years, O.C.’s Hair Police thought it just might be good karma to assist in furthering this pattern by encouraging participation in a genuine winter sport established almost 10 centuries ago. In a sense, performing our very own rain dance!
Regardless of the reason, O.C.’s Hair Police hopes you will enjoy a wonderful family outing by accessing one of the many skate rinks in the O.C. Enter into the same temperate atmosphere that ensures snow capped mountaintops along the Sierra Nevada mountain range which produces 95% of our water source in California. May your winter wonderland excursion within the rink foster fond family memories and just maybe through osmosis the continuance of a rainy So Cal winter! anaheim Ice family fun!!! • • •

As the denouement of 2016 transcends upon us, O.C.’s Hair Police would like to wish each and every one of our patrons blessings and peace throughout 2017. The assurance that the goodness in humanity will persevere as it has throughout history is reflected in the words of Lord Alfred Tennyson as he proclaimed in 1850 within his poem, “Ring out, wild bells” in 1850. We would like to offer these same sentiments in 2016 as our toast to the current New Year.
Ring Out, Wild Bells

As September becomes our norm, the vast majority of school-aged children will have entered back into another year of school. For many parents, this is a relief. The actual student, however, most likely does not share in this exaltation. To soften yet another pendulum swing in a families lifestyle from lazy days of summer to a return to alarm clocks and dressing for the day in the gray mist of dawn, O.C.’s Hair Police suggests a family excursion to one of the many O.C.’s Ice Cream and Confectioner Parlors!
America has a rich history of the consumption of ice cream. The first evidence of ice cream in the U.S. was documented in a letter by a guest of Maryland Governor William Bladen in 1744. President Thomas Jefferson’s vanilla ice cream recipe has been compared to a modern-day Baked Alaska. At the second inaugural banquet for President Madison in 1831, Dolly Madison served a delectable strawberry ice cream creation. Jacob Fussell, a Baltimore Milk Dealer, pioneered the manufacturing of ice cream in the U.S. in the year 1851 after the development of insulated ice houses. From that moment on, ice cream transitioned from being an elitist delicatessen to becoming a mainstream staple throughout our great nation.
Soda Fountain shops thrived in the 19th Century and the “soda jerk” emerged. World War II utilized ice cream as a morale booster to its troops as units tried to outdo each other in the amount of ice cream served. The “floating ice cream parlor” in 1945 was built for sailors in the Western Pacific while America celebrated with ice cream when the war came to an end. Americans consumed 20 quarts of ice cream per person in 1946 one year after the “floating ice cream parlor” took to the high seas!!
After 30 years of a fairly constant production of ice cream, specialty ice cream and confectioner parlors began to surge once more and have continued to do so since the 1970’s. While ice cream tantalizes the taste buds, it also generates a common bond of delight in the mixture of flavors consumed that instantaneously cause one to want to share with others in the discovery! Life slows and our troubles are forgotten with each mouthful while we cling to the exhilaration of a communal ice cream moment.
For parents and kids alike, an exploration to the modern day “Soda Fountain” may be the perfect remedy to assist in easing back into the realities of this “school days are here again” time of year. O.C.’s Hair Police offers the following establishments to get you started. We most certainly hope that you and your family try more than just one of our suggestions!!
Fun Facts of the Origin of Ice Cream: Evidence of ice cream dates as far back as the second century, B.C. when Alexander the Great was known to be fond of honey and nectar flavored ice and snow. King Solomon quite possibly would be a Juice Bar regular today as it has been referenced he enjoyed iced drinks during harvesting. Runners regularly went to the mountains to retrieve snow for Nero Claudius Caesar (A.D. 54-86) to then flavor it with fruits and juices during the Roman Empire.
Derivatives of ice cream circulated through Europe when Marco Polo returned to Italy with a recipe similar to today’s “sherbet” from the Middle East. England at the same time was seemingly discovering ice cream when Charles I regularly offered “Cream ice” at his table. Paris, France was the first known country to offer ice cream to the general public in 1660 at Café Procope introduced by Sicilian Procopio. The recipe blended milk, cream, butter, and eggs. Seemingly, throughout the ages a scoop of ice cream has served up drips of happiness. May this universal truth continue for you and your family as you find your very own drips of happiness in each and every scoop as well!
“The American, by nature is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor, and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.”
John F. Kennedy

From March 19th to April 3rd, Knott’s Berry Farm will feature their Knott’s Boysenberry Festival. The Festival will offer live entertainment from the Peanuts Party in the Park to Crazy Kirk and the Hillbillies. Delectable Boysenberry Bites will be plentiful while Interactive Pie Making will most definitely be curious to engage in. The ride portion of the park will of course be open as well.
The Knott’s Boysenberry Festival is a fitting tribute to the founders of Knott’s Berry Farm, Walter and Cordelia Knott. We hope you will join the celebration while we encourage you to proudly immerse yourselves in the rich American tradition the Knott’s exemplified. As a family, they dared to dream. This positive synergy ultimately has afforded each of our families decades of enjoyment as we stroll through the park, perhaps as they did on their farm, sharing a moment in time together.
Walter Knott was the first to produce the boysenberry. In 1932, Anaheim Parks Superintendent Rudolph Boysen approached his friend Walter Knott. Mr. Boysen had experimented with crossing the loganberry, red raspberry, and blackberry. He shared his knowledge and ingenuity with Walter in the hope that Walter could make the fruit thrive where Mr. Boysen had been unable to. As it stands today, all boysenberries in the world trace their roots back to Knott’s Berry Farm. Nurturing the hybrid berry to a thriving vine, Walter Knott deemed it a “Boysenberry” after his friend Rudolph Boysen.
Walter Knott resided in Pomona as a child. He and Cordelia Hornaday attended high school together. After high school, they married. In 1920, Walter, Cordelia and their 4 children moved, leasing a plot of land spanning 10 acres in nearby Buena Park within the neighboring county of Orange. L.A. County’s loss was truly Orange County’s gain.
The initial year of the Knott family farming was difficult however, their American spirit of entrepreneurship filled them with the sense that they would overcome and ultimately succeed. Indeed, they did. Within the second year,
their harvest was plentiful to the point that they began selling rhubarb, asparagus, and berries at a roadside stand. Their dreams and aspirations were fed by their success. In 1928, Cordelia opened a tearoom and berry market which quickly evolved into a restaurant featuring her fried chicken, homemade biscuits, and boysenberry pies. Eventually an amusement park and a mining ghost town were added. Go figure.
The Knott family transitioned their berry farm to Modesto in 1960 while the
amusement park entity of their humble beginnings continued to grow spanning to an impressive 165 acres as we know it today. The American spirit is most assuredly unique. O.C.’s Hair Police is grateful for the Knott Family and their embodiment of this American Perseverance so that we may all continue to be so encouraged to dare to dream.
JULY 2016

“…a simple and totally awesome outdoor activity…Fill your yard, the beach, a park, a campground, or anywhere outdoors with giant, almost unpoppable, BUBBLES!!” Chelsea Rector
Balboa Island Native and current UCR Masters Student, Chelsea Rector, exclaims with a smile that, “Bubbles are incredibly colorful! They are able to illuminate any backdrop with an unpredictable canvas of ever changing hues based on the angle of the rays of light touching down upon the bubble as it emerges. Seemingly the bubble comes alive while creating its very own exclusive shape to not be repeated in exact formation really ever again. Fascinating!!”
Chelsea, while a Fellow at the Culver Center of the Arts, completed a bubble study as a part of her Fellowship at the Center. She also has a Masters Degree (MFA) in Visual Arts from UCR. For your best bubble results, she recommends the Beeboo Big Bubbles Kit and the Pro Bubble Juice both found on Amazon at a reasonable price. The Pro Bubble Juice works well with standard size bubble wands also. Chelsea strongly urges our readers to buy the Pro Bubble Juice by the “…gallon, for maximum fun!”
Bubbles have been entertaining people of all ages for at least 400 years. Bubbles can reach a height of 4 meters while there is no limit on the length that they are able to extend to. Children as young as 2 years of age through their college experience are able to benefit intellectually on a conceptual basis from the formations of bubbles by simply creating and/or watching them evolve from a bucket of soapy water. Be sure to maintain a higher bubble mix than water while making your very own bubble art. Ultimately, water will succumb to gravity affecting the ability of the bubble to maintain its vitality. The bubble mix will slow this process down due to its glycerol content.
OC’s Hair Police thanks Chelsea for her comments while hoping that her direction will allow you and your family the time this summer to enjoy simple pleasures such as a little BUBBLE MANIA! Bubble History

The origin of President’s Day transpired in the 1880’s as a federal holiday stemming from a desire to honor the birth date of George Washington, America’s Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the first president of the United States. In 1968, Congress moved to be inclusive of Abraham Lincoln’s February birth date of February 12th in this celebration. By 1971, the term President’s Day had taken hold and become a part of the American fabric. Lyon Air Museum located on the west side of John Wayne Airport in Orange County was established by Major General William Lyon. The Museum stands alongside Martin Aviation that was established in 1923 by famed aviation pioneer Eddie Martin. World War II had enormous impact on the 20thcentury. The Lyon Air Museum provides captivating and thought-provoking exhibits based on factual historical events of this time. There are authentic wartime aircrafts, rare vehicles, and related memorabilia that will reflect the courage and innovation of the American spirit. Take a walk down memory lane with your family. As we lead into President’s Day it seems only appropriate to enjoy being inspired by those American patriots that ensured our freedom and are honored at one of O.C.’s very own homegrown Museum’s.

Pumpkins have a rich history in the United States. In fact, so important was the pumpkin to the Pilgrims that they crafted a poem in its honor.
“For pottage and puddings and custards and pies,
Our pumpkins and parsnips are common supplies,
We have pumpkins at morning and pumpkins at noon,
If it were not for pumpkins we should be undoon.”
Pilgrim verse, circa 1633
New Englanders in the early colonies were sometimes referred to as “Pumpkin Heads” because the pumpkin was used as a template to ensure a round and uniform cut for those getting a haircut. One theory of the origin of the Jack-O-Lantern, dates back to Celtic celebrations when turnips and potatoes were carved to serve as lanterns. The English used beets. Upon settling in the new land, they found the pumpkin well suited for the same purposes of being their “Jack’s” lanterns. Traditions provide wonderful memories while offering a special moment in time that the family looks forward to yearly. Establishing a pumpkin patch to visit during Fall to find the perfect pumpkin to create your very own lantern, pumpkin pies, et al! can offer just this!
JUNE 2015

“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, life to everything.” With this as our basis, OC’s Hair Police would like to offer innovative ways in which to immerse oneself into a summer of reading with your family.
Check out our Pinterest at
and click on our Lazy Days of Summer board to view ideas that will help to spark your creativity as you enter into a realm of limitless imagination.
MAY 2015

The end of the school year, a major shift in kids schedules, restless little ones, Summer looming. Exhausted, Overwhelmed?! Swoop those cherubs up in your arms and take a drive to Heisler Park in Laguna Beach. The park offers majestic views of the ocean as you stroll high a top the Pacific Ocean upon some of Laguna’s magnificent cliffs. There is entertaining people watching of artists immersed in their craft to sunbathers. Picnicking to barbequing are available. Spend the day! Roam into downtown Laguna and back. Plan to remain for one of Southern California’s breathtaking sunsets. The Park is located just north of Main Beach in downtown Laguna. Access
for further information. Enjoy, decompress, you are going to make it!

Escape the February heat while entering the realm of mystery and discovery at The Bowers Museum nestled in a quaint time capsule of yesteryear within downtown Santa Ana. Currently, “the ninth wonder of the world” is on display. China’s Lost Civilization: The Mystery of Sanxingdui is being offered to view until March 25th. The discovery of this ancient society caused historians to rewrite the history of early Chinese evolution. Children under 12 are free! In addition, The recently renovated Bowers Museum “Kidseum” is now open. It offers a “Glow Cave”, a “Green Screen Time Machine”, Archeology Lab, and more! The intent of the Kidseum is “igniting imagination through exploration”. There is Target FREE first Sunday of every month available to take advantage of should you so desire. Revel in the revelations of yesterday while you inspire curiosity for tomorrow. Enjoy!

Hey Kids, tell your parents you have an idea that would be a “Whale” of a good time for only $5.00!! Beginning January 24th, the Dana Wharf and The Wyland Foundation will join together in offering a 2 child p/one paying adult package at an incredible offer of $5 p/kid, ages 3-12. Each child will enjoy a 2 hour whale watching trip on the 95 ft. Dana Pride while receiving an art lesson and gift from Wyland’s Studio prior to their voyage. To enhance your trip, Science Kids offers “fun facts” about whales.
The whale migration along our coastline is occurring right now! From January 1, 2015 to January 13, 2015 the Newport Landing Whale Watching Company has reported spotting 68 whales off our local coast while nearly 80% have been Grey Whales with Killer Whales, or Orca’s, “spouting” up ten-fold!
During the early winter, the Grey Whale migrates south to breed in the warm seas along the Mexican coastline wherever they are able to find shallow lagoons. The whale migration seems to be happening in big numbers this year. With this at hand, just maybe Moby Dick will be spotted 164 years after the great white whale was first written about! Share your tall tales of the sea with us upon your return.

Day Trip with the family to apple, berry, pumpkin pickin’ country, Oak Glen. This spectacular historic town is nestled in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains and is a mere 45 to 60 minute drive from Orange County. As you roll into town, the streets are lined with majestic oak trees that shade and guide you while you traverse through the windy roads from farm to farm. The wonderful aromas of home baked morsels fill the air and the sounds of music lift your spirits. In all, it is without question a well worth excursion that will leave you wanting to return for more. Pumpkin picking is now so, don’t hesitate to jump into the car and go!!! For more information, check out Oak Glen’s official site at We would love for you to share your Oak Glen experience on our Facebook.
MAY 2014

Look up, look down, look all around. Find twigs, rocks, leaves, pinecones, whatever, all of it. Create your very own nature scene on a piece of paper with your treasures found. Give it to your Mom. Tell her that you like being with her, tell her thanks, tell her you love her. Ask her if you can go hiking again. Tell her why, like this…”Hey, Mom!”, “Yeah Sweetie?”, “I like being with you. Let’s do that again. I love you.” It’s that simple.
O.C.’s Hair Police wishes you a wonderful Mother’s Day!!
For incredible hikes throughout The OC, check out Tiny Oranges link to take a nature walk
MARCH 2014

St. Patrick’s Day is a perfect excuse for a family outing as well as tipping ye hat into the realm of mystical leprechauns! On March 16th, the O.C. Fairgrounds is holding their 8th Annual St. Patricks Day Celebration. There is a fabulous line up of entertainment from world class Irish Dancers to Marston Smith, Lord of the Cello. Entertainment abounds from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, please access their website;
Leprechauns emerge this time of year being spotted by children at every turn. Nurture this imaginary world of trickery and wonderment by baking traditional Irish Soda Bread. While the bread is cooling, write a poem from a leprechaun on tracing paper. Use your “non-writing” hand so your children do know it is you. Roll the rhyme up real tight, place it in a straw cut to fit into the soda bread, and then slide it in the soda bread. Be sure to remember where you placed it so that when you cut it, you are able to slice where the straw is not. As your child enjoys the soda bread, they will then be stunned when they find a rhyme from a leprechaun¡ The following website has wonderful soda bread recipes to choose from;
To get you started, below are mystical rhymes that are loved by children every year!
Hear me in the breeze, Run with me,
See me in the trees, Laugh with me,
Watch for me dance Skip with me too,
on a flowers leaves, Where ever you are,
keep looking for me I’m always with you.
won’t you please.
On a leprechauns rainbow I now fly away
to return to you at this same time
next year on the this very same day!
MAY 2013

. Along with berry picking, the farm features a daily chicken show with Farmer Ray and his assistant Hewy. The farm is open until 8 p.m. on Fridays with Friday movie showings beginning June 1st. Please visit their website for further specifics on a place made out of love for families to enjoy. Let us know what you think…
Hear me in the breeze, Run with me,
See me in the trees, Laugh with me,
Watch for me dance Skip with me too,
on a flowers leaves, Where ever you are,
keep looking for me I’m always with you.
won’t you please.
On a leprechauns rainbow I now fly away
to return to you at this same time
next year on the this very same day!
APRIL 2013

Walk-a-Llama in Yorba Linda
Celebrate Earth Day in a fun family way. Let us know what you think!
to return to you at this same time
next year on the this very same day!
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James
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