“The smallest unit of Energy, creating waves rippling across Space and Time…literally transform the cosmic collective frequencies bringing Lumination and Peace…”, per Beautifully Raw Belle. Got head lice? Be a peacekeeper…! Or not!! Shop online for our non-toxic head lice enzymes @ https://www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop OC’s Hair Police promises peace will follow. #peace #frequency #cosmiccollective #headlice #headliceproducts #wholesale #retail #usabuyers
Click touching video below!
Imagine this is the life we are capable of. Realize that this is our potential, our destiny. If we allow it. No wonder head lice chose us as their host! Time to evolve on a level awaiting our discovery deep within each of us where our life force abounds fearlessly. OCs Hair Police will assist you in opening up to a greater self-awareness by removing your head lice concerns. Shop online for our non-toxic enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ Let’s Go!! #lifeforce #ghandi #love #headlice #headliceproducts #wholesale #retail #usabuyerstore
Video 1 of 3~Click Here
Video 2 of 3~Click Here
Video 3 of 3~Click Here
To deny uncomfortable truths quite possibly is the most destructive tactic in the desire to understand, resolve, and love again. O.C.’s Hair Police is here to talk you off the ledge placing you within the realm of enlightenment. Head lice happens. Begin the journey by shopping online for our Absolute Clear non-toxic head lice enzymes @ https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ #truth #enlightenment #love #courage #headlice #headliceproducts #wholesale #retail #usabuyerstore
Per Sheba Global, “Hugging boosts self-esteem. Touch is a powerful language that we can use to convey feelings of safety, love, and a greater connection to community.” Whether head lice looms or not, keep on huggin’! O.C.’s Hair Police is committed to preserving the opportunity to hug and to hug often by offering our Absolute Clear non-toxic head lice enzymes. Shop online @ https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ #touch #selfesteem #love #headlice #headliceproducts #wholesale #retail #usabuyers
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bare.” Martin Luther King Jr. Tamyra Mensah-Stock you are a Champion in life! O.C.’s Hair Police is deeply grateful for the positive energy Tamyra fills the universe with! Your inner strength shines beautifully through your outward self truly making a difference to humanity!! Love can be found in our non-toxic head lice enzymes too. No need to hate head lice. Simply, shop online for our Absolute Clear product line @ https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . #olympics #love #chemicalfree #headlice #headliceproducts #wholesale #retail #usabuyers
In 2022, do not underestimate your very own internal strength to heal. OCs Hair Police encourages pivoting to more holistic methods as we address our medical situations to include using non-toxic products free of chemicals, sulphates, and parabens. When head lice infestations challenge both your mental and physical well-being, shop online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ for our Absolute Clear head lice enzyme product line. An end to your head lice woes will most definitely nurture your whole self. #2022 #healthyhealing #holistic #chemicalfree #headlice #headliceproducts #wholesale #retail #usabuyers
For Thanksgiving Fun Facts to enjoy and perhaps even offer as a buffer should the Thanksgiving conversation begin to lose its original intent embodied in a deep sense of gratitude, click here https://holidappy.com/holidays/10-Fun-Facts-About-Thanksgiving to diffuse the moment and return to love. OCs Hair Police wishes you wonderful memories made with family and friends this Thanksgiving. #thanksgiving #friendsgiving #headliceproducts #headliceservices #wholesale #retail #costamesa #newportbeach #huntingtonbeach #santaana #irvine #fountainvalley #coronadelmar #orangecounty #usabuyers
“Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is the purest joy that anyone can experience.” Eloquently stated by Constance Zimmer. Don’t allow head lice to slow you down from embracing every joyful moment! Shop online for our non-toxic head lice enzymes @ at www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ O.C.’s Hair Police is grateful to your children for their universal healing power in the joy they share daily with each of us! #children #joy #headlice #headliceproducts #headliceservices #wholesale #retail #costamesa #newportbeach #huntingtonbeach #santaana #irvine #fountainvalley #coronadelmar #orangecounty #usabuyers
Inversion is to change something into its opposite. The inversion of the truth is to switch the truth into a lie. If we are to rely on facts, K-12 graders should be allowed, even encouraged, to return to a normal lifestyle free of restrictions or mandates. The video offered below exemplifies the inversion of the statistics highlighted in the “Annual Deaths Among Children” graph provided as well. If we are to follow the narrative of the teacher, the preschoolers she teaches should be wearing life preservers. The science of head lice remains consistently truthful. Subsequently, the solutions are always effective. Thomas Paine courageously stated, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” That which threatens a child, visible or not, must be confronted with the strength of the truth by those that should be protecting them in order to overcome the assault on their innocence, their vulnerability. Shop online for our non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ If there is no truth, there simply cannot be solid solutions. O.C.’s Hair Police will always speak truth about head lice! #invertthetruth #cognitivedissonance #headlice #headliceproducts #headliceservices #wholesale #retail #costamesa #newportbeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #coronadelmar #orangecounty #usabuyers
In honor of every innocent American that perished on or because of the horror of 9/11, for every family whose life was shattered forever because of that fateful day, for the trauma that Americans have lived with ever since, for the civil liberties Americans have been stripped of under the guise of “national security,” for the sake of humanity may we courageously continue to seek the truth. We owe it to our heroes that did and continue to lose their lives and to the next generation so that their lives may be spared. Head lice is not deceitful. The truth is head lice live in our hair and are a parasite. They are a domestic infiltrator. They multiply if not eradicated. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages you to shop online for our non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ for 100% guaranteed head lice eradication. “Let’s roll” with unified sovereignty to overcome that which erodes our freedoms including head lice. May God bless America, for the fallen, and for those that stand for truth. #9/11/2021 #NeverForget #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #usabuyers
Oh Geez!! Typically, the goal when hysteria sets in is to relieve anxiety through honest dissemination of the facts so that those potentially at risk may focus on the end goal of resolution. If there is not truth, there simply is not the ability for a clear message to take hold and the endless advancement of chaos, hypocrisy, & confusion ensues. OC’s Hair Police cares about you. Our message is truthful allowing for consistency w/regard to our guidance offered so that you may overcome the challenges of head lice. Let’s begin with not allowing the parasites to instill fear resulting in their control of your life. Shop online for our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ Together we will win! #CognitiveDissonance #Covid19 #@Adley #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #usabuyers
“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” as so beautifully articulated by Martin Luther King Jr. May every American celebrate our Independence on the 4th of July with a fervor reflective of the deep belief that “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…” O.C.’s Hair Police is deeply grateful to Usain Bolt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo2wQTYm6eE&feature=youtu.be
for reminding Americans of just how fortunate we truly are. Not so lucky with head lice? Shop online for our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ HAPPY 4TH OF JULY AMERICA! #4thOfJuly #Independence #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #usabuyers
If we are to believe what we are told to accept, critical thinking is imperative. Critical thinking is “…one of the most important cognitive skills that you can develop.” Per the article, https://bebrainfit.com/critical-thinking/ , independence is one of the many attributes critical thinking fosters. The deception of holograms exemplifies the need for heightened cognitive reasoning indeed. If informed there have been odd whale sightings and/or reports of head lice infestations, question the narrative, seek the truth. Fear subsides, solutions prevail when facts preserver. OCs Hair Police is relieved to conclude there actually are not whales in gym’s. As far as head lice infestations are concerned however, facts are facts. Mitigate chaos and dispel fear. Shop online for our non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . #Misinformation #Hologram #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #usabuyers
Inventor Nikola Tesla stated, “To know each other we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions.” The passion, the courage, the selflessness of Officer Dingle personifies Tesla’s desire for each of us to move aside the barriers impressed upon us so that we may share in the same frequency. O.C.’s Hair Police is deeply grateful for the heroic Officer Dingle’s connecting each of us to one another for, as Tesla advocated, “Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.” Remove the stigma of head lice with a depth of understanding too. Shop online for our non-toxic head lice enzymes @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com.shop/ Happy Memorial Day to every brave soul throughout our weary Nation fighting to preserve the connectivity of goodness within us so that we may arrive at the doorstep of Peace together!! #NikolaTesla #MemorialDay #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #usabuyers
A Mother’s love is immeasurable as she beholds an infinite sense of selfless giving. Special indeed is a Mother. May each of you enjoy a wonderful Mother’s Day overflowing with expressions of love and genuine moments of gratitude conveyed. Fondly, O.C.;s Hair Police #Mother’sDay #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #LiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USAbuyers
Often times, what we would prefer the truth to be is just not so. Denial can lead us down a path laced with unnecessary hardship, confusion, fear. Allow the truth in. Untangle the web of deceit. Don’t assume nits are dandruff or an itchy scalp is eczema. It is better to genuinely be free of head lice than to fool yourself into believing you are free. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages you to Pushback against head lice infestations. Shop online for our non-toxic head lice enzymes at www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/. #CognitiveDissonance #Truth #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #LiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USA
The Vernal (Spring) Equinox occurred on 3/20/21. On this day, there is an equal amount of light to dark & from which point light becomes greater than dark. In the article, “The Spiritual Significance of Spring Equinox,” it emphasizes, “Now is a time of celebrating the freshness of life and of taking the time to raise our energy to regenerate abundance and manifest our dreams.” O.C.’s Hair Police encourages a full read of this joyous piece. https://exploredeeply.com/live-your-purpose/spiritual-significance-spring-equinox Head lice too can regenerate abundantly. As light emerges from the darkness, rejoice in renewal void of head lice. Shop online at www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ for non-toxic head lice enzymes. Happy Spring, happy enlightenment! #Spring #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #LiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USA
Yep, we modified the blessing just a wee bit! How did you guess…?! Irish blessings seemingly capture the joy that is embodied in not only the renewal of Spring but in the goodness of kind thoughts. O.C.’s Hair Police celebrates in this during this time of year with a Pot ‘O Gold full of Absolute Clear non-toxic head lice enzymes keeping the head lice at bay while the Leprechauns play and everyone becomes Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! Shop online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop Enjoy and may “…the kindness you spread be returning to you.” #StPatricksDay #IrishBlessings #Spring #Kindness #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USA
As Black History Month comes to a close, O.C.’s Hair Police would like to humbly express our deep gratitude to those of you whom courageously face seemingly formidable obstacles to ultimately overcome as you embrace the principles of our great nation while pursuing justice with unwavering compassion for humanity. Each of you, known and unknown, provide the universe with the synergy to lovingly carry on! We too are capable of engaging our very own courage. Begin by facing head lice with steadfast resolve. Use our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes. Shop online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . #BlackHistoryMonth #Heroes #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #SupportSmallBusiness #LiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USA
According to Psychology Today, we are a social species that measure our interaction with others as one of the most influential barometers of our physical and mental well-being. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages embracing Valentine’s Day with a renewed vigor to reengage with those we love so that we may lift each other up as we have in the past. During this month of love, don’t let head lice keep you from migrating back to your friends and family. Shop online @ www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ for our non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes. Let the love flourish not the head lice!! #ValentinesDay #Hugging #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #SupportSmallBusiness #LiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USA

African family hugging
There are years that quietly fade into the sunset. Not so much with #2020SoOverIt. Much like the performance below reflects, may we carry with us renewed strength and an awakening of the spirit as we courageously step into the light of the new year. Stay strong when head lice step into the light as well. Shop online for our non-toxic ABSOLUTE CLEAR head lice enzymes https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza simply, Happy Holidays to all!! May we continue to believe in the goodness of humanity.
#Hanukah #Christmas #Kwanza #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #SupportSmallBusiness #LiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty #USA #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
The deep sense of individualism embedded in American culture fosters two key elements of innovative thinking, entrepreneurship and risk-taking. Both uniquely American characteristics have established the U.S. as a leader on the world stage for being one of the most innovative nations globally. O.C.’s Hair Police would like to applaud our fellow freedom loving Patriots in their innovative thinking toward celebrating the cherished family tradition of Thanksgiving during the Covid restrictions of 2020. As defined, being innovative is “…the ability to think of something old in a new way.” By doing so, our nation has and will continue to persevere during moments of crisis. O.C.’s Hair Police wishes each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday while we remain grateful for your patronage. Head lice enjoy gathering for the holidays too. Shop online for a gift of finality with our non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes at www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/
#Covid19 #Thanksgiving #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #SupportSmallBusiness #HeadLiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
In light of Halloween 3 days prior to our great nations Presidential Election, O.C.’s Hair Police thought it timely to highlight the lightheartedness a costume can offer. Our pick at this momentous moment in history is “Vote for Pedro!” The costumes and the speech are winners in any household! Besides, the dance moves fit all occasions. Don’t ya think?! Stay safe and enjoy the “Vote for Pedro” rally below! With your “Vote for Pedro” on Halloween We Will Smile Again! If sharing costumes, in particular hair accessories on Halloween, shop online for non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes at www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/
#Vote2020 #HalloweenCostume #SupportSmallBusiness #HeadLiceRemovalServices #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #Wholesale #Retail #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Ronald Reagan once stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
In these trying times, O.C.’s Hair Police encourages every American to not allow emotion to overshadow critical thinking. Per Dr. Rachel Cobb, PhD, “Voting is one of the most impactful things you can do for you and your community.” America is not an invincible nation.
We the people must uphold our individual liberties by being informed as we access the democratic process of voting. O.C.’s Hair Police feels so blessed to call America home. May we preserve our liberty so that we may freely road trip from sea to shining sea just like Mike and Sox do as shown in the video below. Avoid road blocks in your travels w/our non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzymes. Shop online @ https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/
#Vote2020 #TheDodo #HeadLiceRemovalServicesResource #Wholesale #Retail #HairCareProducts #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
It has been said that there is nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, and a grace in forgiveness. Chito’s life as he lives it in the town of Del Rio, TX reflects all three of these attributes in their purity. During these troubled times, it takes the Chito’s of this universe & their communities to remind us we have a choice in the path we choose to travel within our hearts. O.C.’s Hair Police thanks Chito and Del Rio, TX in reminding us to remain steadfast with compassion, practice empathy, & strive for forgiveness. Access Chito’s touching story below to view first-hand the infinite power of love. For troubled times with head lice infestations, shop online for our non-toxic Absolute Clear product line at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/
#DelRioTX #Compassion #HeadLiceRemovalServices #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Nearly 70% of Americans consider themselves Middle Class. The Working Class is a subcategory of the Middle Class. Labor Day was founded on Sept. 5, 1882 becoming a Federal Holiday in 1894 to celebrate the Labor Force in America. A strong manufacturing base greatly reduces poverty, tension from a stressed economy, and ultimately war by building up the Middle Class. As we continue to attempt to filter the messages of Covid and the restrictions of our Civil Liberties, O.C.’s Hair Police is deeply grateful to the American Middle Working Class and will praise the day they/we are allowed to return to creating our greatest manufactured good ever, FREEDOM for one and for all!! Happy Labor Day Middle Class America!! O.C.’s Hair Police is proud to honor you!! For head lice infestations, click below to shop online where head lice manufacture infestations that are dismantled by our non-toxic ABSOLUTE CLEAR enzymes!! https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/
#Covid #LaborDay #HeadLiceRemovalServices #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Well folks, who would have ever thought that the possibility of contracting head lice would be an acceptable trade-off for being allowed to return to a traditional school day…?! O.C.’s Hair Police is by your side in your journey. For now, we wish all a smooth transition into the 2020-2021 school year. Stay strong. The kids are our future. Oh, and no worries on the head lice. They’re happy to wait. The silver lining in their existence and potential infestation? A symbolic return to normalcy!! Shop online https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ for non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice products!
#BackToSchool #SchoolSupplies #COVID-19 #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
There are some simple truths that have truly been highlighted during 2020. O.C.’s Hair Police has come to realize the importance of our furry friends and their stability and consistency in love and joy to the universe while us humans are seemingly slipping into an abyss of chaos and irrational thought. For sanity purposes, O.C.’s Hair Police encourages all to take the time to immerse oneself into the unconditional love, eternal forgiveness, unyielding patience, and non-judgmental acceptance our pets offer to us! In particular, now!! Click this heartwarming link to get started and let’s return to a place our pets have never left!! https://www.instagram.com/upsdogs/
#LoveOurPets #UPSDogs #COVID19 #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
The 4th of July commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence which further unified the American colonies as they fought together as one for their freedom from Britain. Every American was a participant in this battle be it on the front lines to a supplier satisfying countless needs to a care taker of young and old. Much like then, we as Americans of every race, color, and creed are experiencing together a shared threat in COVID-19. It is O.C.’s Hair Police’s hope that we do not take our freedom for granted as we celebrate our Independence while we find our civil liberties being quelled similar to a time in 1776. It is “We the People” that will win the fight should we unite on common ground. In this spirit, may each of you enjoy a wonderful 4th of July now and forever!! #4thOfJuly #COVID19US #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LiceProduct #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #HuntingtonBeach #NewportBeach #FountainValley #Irvine #OrangeCounty
This is OUR Nation and OUR journey. What are WE going to make of it?! O.C.’s Hair Police is focused on unity, love, and faith in the goodness of the human spirit to prevail.
O.C.’s Hair Police removal services are available or, DIY by purchasing our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ .
#Peace #Unity #Love #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LiceProduct #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #FountainValley #Irvine #OrangeCounty
Thank you for your courage to unite our nations delicate fabric.
Thank you for your pride in our country.
Thank you for your unconditional commitment to the
security of our American ideals and our people.
Thank you for your unfathomable sacrifice.
Thank you for reminding us “Freedom isn’t Free!”
You walk in the heart of every American dear Soldier.
Peace be you, peace evermore.
O.C.’s Hair Police
#MemorialDay #AmericanFlag #VeteransCemetary #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
A Mother’s love is immeasurable as she beholds an infinite sense of selfless giving. Special indeed is a Mother. May each of you enjoy a wonderful Mother’s Day overflowing with expressions of love and genuine moments of gratitude conveyed. Fondly, O.C.’s Hair Police #MothersDay2020 #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #LiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
As we move into week 2 of the 30-Day Stay-at-Home order, a level of resilience is going to be required that we may have not realized we actually maintained before now. O.C.’s Hair Police continues to encourage our patrons to “…nurture happiness, relieve pain, and increase immunity…” through laughter. We offer this clip as a jump start to tantalizing your funny bone. Don’t let an untimely head lice infestation add to the current challenges set before us all nor cut short a good belly laugh! O.C.’s Hair Police removal services are available or, DIY by purchasing our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . Stay healthy and choose to smile!
#COVID #Boardgames #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LiceProduct #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #FountainValley #Irvine #OrangeCounty
As we navigate through a very surreal moment in history, O.C.’s Hair Police encourages our patrons to “…nurture happiness, relieve pain, and increase immunity…” through laughter. Head lice infestations are untimely. O.C.’s Hair Police is available to you should you experience a double dose of madness during the current challenges set before us all. In addition, our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes can be purchased online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . Stay healthy and choose to smile! How could you not when you click Dorinda Medley’s link below!!
#COVID19 #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Because of the nature of our business, O.C.’s Hair Police totally gets over the top crazy! We promote humor as the antidote to those patrons inflicted with high anxiety due to a head lice infestation. Research has shown that the health benefits to laughter are far reaching in the positive. As we navigate through a very surreal moment in history, O.C.’s Hair Police encourages our patrons to “…nurture happiness, relieve pain, and increase immunity…” through, you guessed it, laughter. Please keep in mind, a head lice infestation is untimely. O.C.’s Hair Police is available to you should you experience a double dose of madness during the current challenges set before us all. In addition, our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes can be purchased online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . Stay healthy and begin to smile by simply clicking the SpongeBob link to follow! https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kaPAXnf8E/?igshid=yz87ntfu3378 #COVID-19 #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
We at O.C.’s Hair Police…
for offering us the opportunity to provide you with solid solutions and a sense of relief.
for entrusting in us while on your journey of head lice eradication.
for your time spent with us during this rather challenging moment in your life.
#Yelp #Reviews #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
O.C.’s Hair Police is your Cupid against head lice! A gift of a box of chocolates is symbolic of love, passion, care, and a happy life. May each be yours to enjoy this Valentine’s Day 💘 regardless of whether the even greater surprise is a head lice infestation! 🤪 #Valentine’sDay #Love #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Thank you for gracing our universe with your beautiful heart, courageous soul, and eternal presence challenging us to love not hate, to accept not reject, and to listen with an open mind. OCs Hair Police proudly celebrates you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the difference you have, do, and will always make to humanity! #MLKDay #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Happy New Year!! As most of humanity seems to do around the close of a 12-month cycle, we reflect, measure our hearts in all that occurred while projecting our futures and path therein. Perhaps, our newfound bucket list is established in some small way as an attempt to guard our fragile existence amongst the challenges that await us in the upcoming year. To maintain our focus on that which is possible regardless of that which we do not have the ability to alter. This said, OC’s Hair Police hopes your resolution/s will guide you through 2020 in a meaningful, accomplished manner. Click this link for tips from Meg Selig of Changepower on insightful steps to implement in your quest to attain your 2020 New Year’s resolution/s. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/changepower/201012/the-best-way-make-your-new-years-resolution-successful
OCs Hair Police encourages you to stay the course in all you do so that 2020 just may evolve into your greatest 12-month cycle yet while we remind ourselves to be grateful that we do have the power to refine our life’s journey for the better! Happy New Year!! #NewYearsResolution #2020 #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
The Christmas tree in America evolved for the most part from the German tradition during the latter part of the Middle Ages when evergreen trees were either placed within the home or outside the door to reflect their hope in the forthcoming spring. Germans introduced this tradition to the U.S. in the late 1700’s. New York City was the birthplace of the very first Christmas Tree Lot founded by Mark Carr of the Catskill Mountains in New York. Importing Spruce and Fir trees to NYC, he sold the trees at the rate of .05¢ to .10¢ for the smaller ones and .25¢ for the 8–10 foot trees. By the early 20th century, the Christmas tree as an American tradition had taken hold proudly decorated with homemade ornaments to colorful popcorn while Americans gathered to reminisce in that which had come to past and for the moments yet to be. O.C.’s Hair Police hopes that for every Christmas tree you encounter this season, you are reminded of its powerful symbolism in the love of those you hold dear, the peace in knowing your life matters, and the joy in the promise of the new year as a glorious time indeed to behold. #HolidaySeason #ChristmasTree #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
#Thanksgiving #Friendsgiving #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year. Head lice are truly global travelers making this an active time for them too! Be sure you are prepared for travel delays inclusive of contracting head lice by consistently checking for a potential infestation before, during, and after your fun filled Thanksgiving ventures. Click here https://holidappy.com/holidays/10-Fun-Facts-About-Thanksgiving for additional Thanksgiving Fun Facts to enjoy and perhaps even offer as a buffer should the Thanksgiving conversation begin to lose its original intent embodied in a deep sense of gratitude. O.C.’s Hair Police wishes you wonderful memories made with family and friends this Thanksgiving. #ModernFamily #Thanksgiving #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
The origins of Halloween date as far back as nearly 2,000 years ago when the Celts, mainly of Ireland, celebrated Samhain. Amongst countless cultures worldwide throughout time, Halloween has both influenced and been influenced by religious and/or traditional celebrations of life, to warding off demons, to honoring the dead. The evolution of Halloween has blessed American retailers by becoming the 2nd largest commercial celebration after Christmas. Wow! The purchase of costumes is a large factor in the boom. Also enjoying in this on Hallows Eve is head lice. OCs Hair Police encourages awareness of costume sharing in particular head dresses. We like to say, “Face the head lice scare playful ghouls, ghosts, goblins, & more like to share, by dressing up with care!”
#Halloween #Costumes #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
The Fall Harvest offers us a time to cook, bake, revel in comfort foods, and regale in intimate moments w/family and friends. From playful haunts to loved ones gathering far and wide, pumpkins have been an integral aspect of American culture, a staple, symbolic of a life-long friend since our humble beginnings. As the warm hues of Autumn tantalize our senses, may your family find the perfect pumpkins to nurture the season from decor upon your doorstep to the joys of a delicious warm cooked meal or baked dessert derived all from pumpkin goodness. O.C.’s Hair Police offers the following pumpkin patches to visit so that you and your family may fully immerse in this the Harvest season!
http://www.peltzerfarms.com/ • http://lavenderhillpumpkins.com/Lavender_Hill_Pumpkins.html
https://rileysfarm.com/index.php/u-pick/pumpkins/ • https://mountainvalleyranch.com/
https://www.oakglen.net/ • http://www.tanakafarms.com/tours-pumpkin-patch
#PumpkinPatch #PumpkinRecipes #Fall #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
“Autumn the year’s last, loveliest smile.” William Cullen Bryant
Don’t miss the moment. Take a deep breath. Inhale peace. Deny chaos. Stop to enjoy the gently floating leaves in all their brilliance slowly descending from the heavens to rest upon the earth. Exhale love. Feel blessed. Autumn has arrived.
O.C.’s Hair Police
#Fall #Seasons #Peace #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
We must say, quite an innovative preventive measure to guard against head lice. Our concern? How’s that school picture treating you?! O.C.’s Hair Police encourages students to smile big and be proud of your choices. We would also strongly advise for those of you without a helmet to take your own comb for the purposes of touch up just before the big flash. Head lice can be transferred from one person to the other in many ways. Sometimes, this can be attributed to sharing combs and brushes. If you must use the “public” comb or brush just prior to your photo op, do not worry. Our Absolute Clear product line inclusive of our Prevent Spray will take care of any traveling head lice. Order online at http://www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/. Or, give us a call! O.C.’s Hair Police is here to make your picture day as memorable to you as your portrait will become in the years to follow. #SchoolPortrait #PictureDay #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Welcome back students! O.C.’s Hair Police would like to wish each and every student of all grade levels a wonderful start to your school year! May your experience overflow with happy moments, fond memories, healthy outlets, and lifelong friendships. You got this! #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #schoolsupplies #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Ok, first head lice are human parasites and the human scalp is their Host! It is not the fault of a horse. The mode of transportation of head lice is to crawl. They do not jump, fly, skip, hop, or swim. The bed sheets…? Well, they nailed on it that one. As for the remedy? Non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes kill lice on contact and can be used as a household spray as well!! Avoid the blame game not the selfie’s. Keep the social circuit flourishing with non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes as your Spirit Animal! You’re the “Host.” Refine the Guest List and shop online at www.hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ or access O.C.’s Hair Police Head Lice Removal Services. Let’s party plan together. We’ve got the venue, you’ve got the lice! www.hairpoliceliceline.com
#Schitt’sCreek #Selfies #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
There is no debating the facts on the issue of head lice. Head lice are most definitely Global Citizens transcending all borders. Every human has the potential of becoming the host to head lice. There is not a cultural nor racial divide. Head lice love each of us equally. How nice of them… O.C.’s Hair Police offers our non-toxic Absolute Clear product line as your rebuttal to the assault of head lice on your civility. Order online at https://hairpoliceliceline.com/shop/ . The consensus is in, from treatment to prevention non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes are a formidable foe against head lice as well as a unifying factor amongst us as we share in our mutual challenges of the realities of head lice infestations. #2019Debate #GlobalCitizen #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Summer Camps in the U.S. originated in the 1870’s promising the youthful camper an escape from the increasingly urban modern life of the times. As one early camp founder explained, summer camps “…save humanity from ‘dying of indoor-ness.’” Funny, sound familiar 149 years later? Wow! From 1900 to 1918 summer camps grew from a mere 100 to an astounding 1,000 options! While summer camps have remained constant in offering an alternative to an overwhelming society so too, has the reality of head lice spreading amongst the happy campers! Head lice are along for the ride and wild about increasing their numbers amongst campers almost as fast as camps have grown throughout our great history. Be sure to arm your unwitting camper with our non-toxic Absolute Clear preventive spray, shampoo, and/or conditioner as they set their sights on their chosen summer camp. For those that choose not to, trust us when we say, “Summer camp is the epitome of living the dream for head lice!” #SummerCamp #SummerVacation #SummerActivities #AbsoluteClear #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Here is a very cool fun fact, the United States of America is the only country with a known birthday! In celebrating our birthday as Americans on July 4th, we typically choose to wear the colors of our flag. O.C.’s Hair Police finds this only appropriate as President Woodrow Wilson so eloquently stated, “This flag, which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought and purpose as a nation. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choices are ours. It floats in majestic silence above the hosts that execute those choices, whether in peace or in war. And yet, though silent, it speaks to us – speaks to us of the past, of the men and women who went before us, and of the records they wrote upon it.” O.C.’s Hair Police is grateful for the opportunity to join with every American of vast diversity to celebrate freedom which as a united people will only grow stronger. We are proud of our American history while we offer grace for our shortcomings so that we may look to a promising future shared with each of you under the stars and stripes forever. Happy birthday America, happy birthday!!! #FourthOfJuly #AmericanFlag #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
If ever a Father is to question their value in their child’s life, O.C.’s Hair Police encourages them to access the following link.
Further championing a father’s significance, Sigmund Freud once wrote, “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” On this upcoming Father’s Day, may every father engage that same courage to open their heart to love and be loved by their child whom will melt in their arms if only given the chance. O.C.’s Hair Police celebrates your very important role within our universe. Happy Father’s Day! #Father’sDay #Love #Parenting #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
Dear Graduate:
May you enjoy YOUR day.
May you believe in your abilities as you enter into unfamiliar territory.
May faith guide you during challenging times.
May you laugh, love and live your journey to the fullest.
Congratulations! O.C.’s Hair Police
#Graduation #GraduationDay #CommencementSpeech #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #LiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Thank you for your courage to unite our nations delicate fabric.
Thank you for your pride in our country.
Thank you for your unconditional commitment to the
security of our American ideals and our people.
Thank you for your unfathomable sacrifice.
Thank you for reminding us “Freedom isn’t Free!”
You walk in the heart of every American dear Soldier.
Peace be you, peace evermore.
O.C.’s Hair Police
#MemorialDay #AmericanFlag #VeteransCemetary #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
The good news…now you know…you are undoubtedly the only kid on campus that has ever been told by a bird they have head lice (very cool)…and, you get a cupcake out of the deal! To look on the bright side makes the day a whole lot happier. Speaking of “bright,” O.C.’s Hair Police supports regular screenings for head lice under a “bright” light or optimally natural sunlight. Just ask a bird. Look behind the ears, at the nape of the neck, and at the crown. Early detection deters the spread of head lice and allows for removal to be much less extensive. Got head lice? Thank a bird! All kidding aside, if you have head lice, it is better to know before it becomes a severe infestation. Summer Camps are on the horizon. Screening works. #SummerCamps #ComicStrip #Cartoons #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceProducts #LiceComb #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Irvine #CoronaDelMar #FountainValley #HuntingtonBeach #OrangeCounty
A Mother’s love is immeasurable as she beholds an infinite sense of selfless giving. Special indeed is a Mother. May each of you enjoy a wonderful Mother’s Day overflowing with expressions of love and genuine moments of gratitude conveyed. Fondly, O.C.’s Hair Police #Mother’sDay #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #LiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Hear ye hear ye goes the Town Crier or in modern times a news flash can be received via conduits such as the day time morning show; Live Kelly and Ryan. Kelly and Ryan announced the ever so important 10 most-sexiest accents this week per The Daily Mail. New Zealand took home the honors in a study by The Daily Mail that polled it’s 1.5 million readers. One thing is for sure, regardless of the accent, the all too common phrase, “I have head lice” just ain’t sexy! O.C.’s Hair Police can get your “sexy back” in no time. Guaranteed! Our non-toxic Absolute Clear product line and head lice removal services will minimize the use of “head lice” from your respective dialect. Let’s face it, ya’ll stand a better chance at sexy without ‘em!! #LiveKellyAndRyan #10MostSexiestAccents #SexyBack #JustinTimberlake #DailyMail #HeadLiceRemovalServices #LicePrevention #LiceComb #HeadLice #LiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
The official date of Earth Day yearly is April 22nd. This year, that was Monday of this week. O.C.’s Hair Police celebrates every day as Earth Day with our environmentally friendly non-toxic Absolute Clear head lice enzyme product line and manual removal technique. On our watch, there are not any artificial heat generated machines accessing the electrical grid needed to remove lice. Manual removal has more than proven its superiority. Earth Day will celebrate its 50th year anniversary in 2020. Currently, Earth Day is the largest secular observance in the world engaging more than one billion people every 365th day on April 22nd. Rest assured as a Global Citizen, head lice are in attendance too. Not to worry, our non-toxic Absolute Clear product line transcends all borders to ensure your anxiety free participation. Our only advise would be don’t wait for tomorrow or, 361 days from now to celebrate that which is before you today. Peace! #EarthDay #MotherNature #AirAlle #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
The daffodil is one of the earliest flowers to bloom in the spring reliably growing from bulbs year after year under challenging conditions. As they blanket the bleak landscape winter leaves behind with their radiance, their significance is profound. For example, in numerology symbolism it’s 6 petals reflect harmony, a warm heart, nature, motherhood, and a sense of caring for others. The daffodil beholds countless additional symbolism. Amongst them, O.C.’s Hair Police’s favorites are new beginnings, rebirth, creativity, inspiration, vitality, and forgiveness. So powerful is the daffodils yearly emergence, the American Cancer Society incorporated the daffodil into a fundraising campaign entitled Hope by the Bunch that occurs every year on specific days in March. O.C.’s Hair Police felt it appropriate during this profoundly meaningful week of reflection to provide each of you with a bouquet of daffodils even if it is only virtually so that you may too be so moved by the gentle, unyielding beauty of the daffodil and the peaceful strength it embodies inspiring us toward a sense of our very own new beginnings. #Daffodil #Rebirth #Symbolism #Easter #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
April 10th was National Siblings Day. Although, not currently celebrated on the scale that Mother’s or Father’s Day is, 49 states do officially recognize the day. For those of us blessed with sibling/s, over the course of our lives we will spend more time with our sibling/s than anyone else including our parents. Sibling/s play a key and unique role in the development of our ability to share, negotiate, and resolve issues. Similarly, head lice learn these same characteristics as they define themselves amongst their sibling’s over their short life span of 33-35 days. There are 4-8 nits, or sibling’s, laid daily by their parent for 16 consecutive days making for a very active Romper Room! Their Family Tree develops rapidly should you provide them with a landscape, your hair, in which to do so. O.C.’s Hair Police would like to honor the important role sibling/s do provide while promoting a sensible resolution in the realm of negotiating by adopting the motto, “This is no time to share!” Resolve your issue with our non-toxic Absolute Clear enzymes while accessing our head lice removal services and always FREE 24/7 Consultation! Then, and only then, get back to celebrating your sibling/s with a head lice free sibling hug! #NationalSiblingsDay #Brothers #Sisters #Siblings #Kardashians #HeadLiceRemovalServices #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #AbsoluteClear #HeadLiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Absolutely no one panic! Hazmat’s are not necessary, mayonnaise should be an application on food only, and sporting a bald head…well?! Mayonnaise relies on suffocating head lice. Lice can hold their breath for up to 8 hours. There is an opening in a hazmat suit. Head lice will find it. We promise. Hair grows approximately 1/2 inch in length every month. Are you sure bald is the answer when you consider O.C.’s Hair Police can efficiently remove your head lice within one hour in most cases. And as for The Office, we suggest to the beloved Secretary, Erin, always have our Absolute Clear non-toxic enzymes at arm’s length to apply from the chair to the hair. Spray it all down! No enzyme application, no work day compensation. As a fellow Office Mate, open Angela’s drawer and apply a good dose of Absolute Clear enzymes on her cat, Bandit, too. You got this Erin…Hazmat out, Absolute Clear in!! #TheOffice #Hazmat #Cats #HeadLiceHomeRemedies #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Play Ball! Opening Day for Major League Baseball has commenced. In fact, baseball and softball throughout our great nation is in full swing (no pun intended). Guess what else is in full swing?! Head lice enjoy America’s Pastime just as much as each of us. Head lice can even become a participant by joining ball players on the playing field on top of their heads if team members are not diligent in checking their caps and helmets. The first mention of baseball in the U.S. was in 1791 when an ordinance banning the playing of baseball within 80 yards of the town meeting house was implemented in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Too bad bans are irrelevant to head lice. O.C.’s Hair Police wishes every baseball and softball player the best in their respective seasons while encouraging each team to implement our Absolute Clear Non-Toxic head lice enzymes as your Designated Hitter. When sprayed in helmets and caps, Absolute Clear will undoubtedly hit head lice out of the park! Big time home run!! #MLB #AmericasPastime #Baseball #Softball #Opening Day #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
At 2:58pm today, Wednesday 3/20/19, the onset of spring occurred. Spring promises warmer temperature, a greater splash of daily sunshine, an endless stream of brilliantly colored foliage, and a genuine sense of happiness toward rebirth. Being a human parasite, head lice feel it too! Winter caps are off and hugs abound. O.C.’s Hair Police is fond of spring because natural sunlight is the optimal environment in which to check for head lice. Spring is actually a magnificent display of Mother Nature as it’s designated by the sun’s passage from the Southern to Northern Hemisphere sky at the exact moment the sun crosses the celestial equator on its migration from south to north. As you experience yourself vying for outdoor activities, find your very own equator. Part your loved one’s hair, check their crown, lift their locks to scan the nape of the neck. O.C.’s Hair Police would not want your spring day cut short by the onset of a head lice infestation. Take advantage of Mother Nature’s gift and make checking a habit while you are being invigorated by the renewal of the sun ray’s! #Spring #VernalEquinox #Flowers #Rebirth #HeadLiceRemovalServices #HeadLice Prevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #AbsoluteClear #HeadLiceProducts #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Yep, we modified the blessing just a wee bit! How did you guess…?! Irish blessings seemingly capture the joy that is embodied in not only the renewal of Spring but in the goodness of kind thoughts. O.C.’s Hair Police celebrates in this during this time of year with a Pot ‘O Gold full of non-toxic Head Lice enzymes keeping the head lice at bay while the Leprechauns play and everyone becomes Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! Enjoy and may “…the kindness you spread be returning to you.” #St.PatricksDay #IrishBlessings #Spring #Kindness #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLice Prevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
May we all count our blessings that the vertical jump of head lice is not in line with that of Colton’s of The Bachelor. In fact, head lice are not capable of establishing a vertical leap at all because they do not jump. Nor do head lice skip, hop, fly, or swim! Head lice crawl from one to the other. O.C.’s Hair Police promotes an environment of hugs with a practical approach to head lice prevention to elimination from our removal services to our non-toxic product line so that you may avoid being picked as head lice’s next romance. No rose for you may not be all bad! Just sayin’! #TheBachelor #TheFinalRose #TheBachelorWomenTellAll #ColtonUnderwood #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLice Prevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Head lice can truly make you feel as if you are an unwitting actor in a B-Rated Horror Movie with Spin-The-Wheel as the theme. Can’t it?! O.C.’s Hair Police’s Head Lice Removal Services and our Non-Toxic Absolute Clear product line are your ticket to exit the theater!! Like Lady Gaga said, “It’s about how many times you stand up and are brave and keep on going.” Don’t let head lice be The Director, this is your life story to tell not theirs! #AcademyAwards2019 #LadyGaga #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLice Prevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceServices #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Now Jackson you are not REALLY wishing for head lice are you?! O.C.’s Hair Police does appreciate that you did not want to share your head lice with others. However, we would encourage you to find alternative methods to implement for the purposes of an excuse. In other words, “Careful what you wish for!” may be yours to actually have to address. No worries if so though. DJ rocked it on the quick head lice screening bit. O.C.’s Hair Police is in concert with DJ in that we would not want Fuller House to get any fuller with the onset of head lice! Head lice screenings are efficient in the fight against head lice. Conduct them regularly on your loved ones to avoid the proliferation of infestations. Follow the motto “Do What DJ Does!” #FullerHouse #HeadLiceSitcoms #HeadLiceScreening #HeadLicePrevention #HeadLiceComb #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceRemoval #HeadLice #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar #OrangeCounty
Each of our clients are truly special to us! We at O.C.’s Hair Police hold your trust in our head lice removal services and non-toxic product line close to our hearts. In doing so, we hope the love we show toward your head lice concerns, challenges, and family members is translated in a manner that impacts you positively. As Oprah Winfrey has said, “Your greatest power is to show love, to receive love and to be love.” In this spirit, O.C.’s Hair Police wishes you a very Happy Valentine’s Day! #ValentinesDay #Love #PowerOfLove #HeadLiceRemoval # HeadLice #HeadLiceProducts #HeadLiceComb #HeadLicePrevention #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #HuntingtonBeach #SantaAna #Irvine #FountainValley #CoronaDelMar
“NO WORRIES!” has been referred to as the National Motto of Australia representing friendliness, humor, optimism, and “mateship” in Australian culture. O.C.’s Hair Police proposes furthering the cultural boundaries of “NO WORRIES!” to be inclusive of the process of approaching head lice. A stretch? Sure! But, it is better than the alternative of a complete meltdown. Right?! Our Absolute Clear product line is Non-Toxic and can be used daily killing head lice on contact while ultimately eradicating any nits you may have as well. Chemically based head lice removal products are not as effective because head lice have become resistant to the pesticides within these products. Besides, what OTC which is chemically based to natural to non-toxic affords you the opportunity to access FREE 24/7 Consultation like we do?! We back our Absolute Clear product line with over a decade of knowledge within the head lice industry and are available to you throughout your head lice challenges truly making it a “NO WORRIES!” experience. Together we got this Mate! #slang #australia #noworries #headliceremoval #headliceprevention #headliceotc #headliceproducts #headlice #costamesa #newportbeach #huntingtonbeach #santaana #irvine #fountainvalley #coronadelmar
Sometimes it is just nice to be celebrated for something! Right?! O.C.’s Hair Police is with you from head lice prevention to elimination. Our NON-TOXIC products to our head lice removal services are readily available for you throughout your academic journey which is inevitably inclusive of constant exposure to head lice. Congratulations on your latest achievement! O.C.’s Hair Police is proud of you too!! #headliceremoval #headliceproducts #headliceprevention #headlicecomb #headlice #school #education #academia #costamesa #newportbeach #huntingtonbeach #santaana #irvine #fountainvalley #coronadelmar
Even head lice can make you laugh! Click the link below to watch a fun video on head lice (if that is even possible)! You be the judge!! So often kids are placed in situations they would otherwise prefer not to have to be a participant in. O.C.’s Hair Police commends these youngsters for addressing their head lice dilemma with the silliness that embodies the joyful heart of a child. Let’s embrace this in our kids while we help to guide them in a kind manner nurturing the thoughtfulness and compassion they naturally exude. Hey kids, the wig though! Really?! Remember to remind yourself when Check-in Charlie crows, “No, no, no…! When you share, lice race from one to the other, keeping us all on our toes!” #head lice awareness #head lice prevention #head lice removal #head lice treatment #head lice video #head lice #costa mesa #newport beach #huntington beach #santa ana #irvine #fountain valley
There are obvious reasons to repeatedly screen for head lice. In addition to this is the fact that “…repetition provides the practice that children need to master new skills. Repetition helps to improve speed, increase confidence, and strengthens the connections in the brain that help children learn.” www.readingbrightstart.org/articles-for-parents/lets-repetition-important-learning/ Screening is Repetition! Help kids help themselves by repeatedly screening for head lice while they learn all along the way. Head lice is always untimely and never hoped for. Enter into Sammy’s Screen Shop so that Sammy may assist you and your loved ones in your combined efforts to minimize the proliferation of a head lice infestation. This post is the 4th of a 4-Part Series on head lice prevention. All excerpts are from “Louse Out Every Kids Self-Help Guide to the 11-Day Process of Getting Head Lice Out of Their Hair!” found on Amazon.#head lice prevention #head lice comb #head lice products #head lice #head lice books #self-help #children’s books #huntington beach #santa ana #irvine #fountain valley #costa mesa #newport beach
In his article, “This is Why Learning With Imagination Matters in Education,” https://globaldigitalcitizen.org/learning-with-imagination Lee Watanabe highlights, “Our imagination changes; it is organic, and it grows as our knowledge grows. Knowledge feeds the imagination which spurs us on to new knowledge.” Much like a child can be an imaginary Veterinarian, they too can become their very own Head Lice Technician. The difference lies in that the young can actually effectively implement their imagination into real time comprehension as a Head Lice Technician while still a child. Help kids help themselves gain mastery of preventive measures through imaginary play in the fight against head lice infestations. Polly’s squawking will have them giggling while they are being proactive! This post is the 3rd of a 4-Part Series on head lice prevention. All excerpts are from “Louse Out Every Kids Self-Help Guide to the 11-Day Process of Getting Head Lice Out of Their Hair!” found on Amazon. #head lice prevention #head lice removal #head lice products #head lice comb #head lice
Happy, Happy New Year to one and all!! O.C.’s Hair Police would like to offer a communal 2019 New Year’s Resolution. May the New Year provide you and your loved ones the courage to address head lice challenges with eyes wide open! O.C.’s Hair Police is here to assist in navigating both you as well as those you care for through uncharted territory to ultimately land you in a safe haven of a peaceful head lice free environment. Head lice screening works. Head lice does not have to be your Apocalypse! #happy new year resolutions #head lice prevention #head lice removal #head lice products #head lice #head lice screening #how to check for head lice #costa mesa #newport beach #huntington beach #santa ana #irvine #fountain valley
Whether gifts are adorned at the base of a Menorah, Kinara, Christmas Tree, or another symbol of wisdom, love, and/or hope, O.C.’s Hair Police wants to assure you we recognize and deeply appreciate your constant efforts made on behalf of those you care for. We see it every day as you place your busy schedule’s on hold to tend to head lice in a loved one’s hair. They can’t do it alone and you are there for them. YES, you are a gift! O.C.’s Hair Police wishes you the happiest of holidays!! #Christmas #Hanukkau #Chanukah #Hanaka #Kwanza #holiday season #head lice prevention #head lice removal #head lice products #head lice #head lice comb #costamesa #newportbeach #huntingtonbeach #santaana #irvine #fountainvalley
In the article, “10 Things Every Parent Should Know About Play,” www.naeyc.org Author, Laurel Bongiorno states, “Play reduces stress. Play helps your children grow emotionally. It is joyful and provides an outlet for anxiety and stress.” Head lice infestations are laden with anxiety and can be extremely stressful. Help your children help themselves learn preventive measures in the fight against head lice. This post is the second of a 4-Part Series reaching kids on their level for the purposes of learning prevention measures. Check-in Charlie will be your kid’s best friend! All excerpts are from “Louse Out Every Kids Self-Help Guide to the 11-Day Process of Getting Head Lice Out of Their Hair!” found on Amazon. #Christmas #Hanukkau #Chanukah #Hanaka #Kwanza #holiday season #head lice prevention #head lice removal #head lice products #head lice #costa mesa #newport beach #huntington beach #santa ana #irvine #fountain valley
Kids learn through play. This post is the first of a 4-Part Series reaching kids on their level for prevention measures in the fight against head lice infestations. Help kids help themselves so that they may fully enjoy this magical time of year head lice free! “Charlie, Polly, and Sammy” are on deck in the ensuing weeks of this series. Stay tuned! All excerpts are from “Louse Out Every Kids Self-Help Guide to the 11-Day Process of Getting Head Lice Out of Their Hair!” found on Amazon. #Christmas #Hanukkau #Chanukah #Hanaka #Kwanza #holiday season #head lice preventionhead lice removal #head lice products #head
O.C.’s Hair Police encourages you to practice head lice prevention throughout the Holiday Season. Stayed tuned for our 4 Part Series on head lice prevention beginning next week. Call today for head lice prevention products!! We got this!! #head lice #head lice prevention #head lice removal #head lice products
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into a acceptance, chaos o order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie
O.C.’s Hair Police is grateful for the trust place in us, our services, and our product in addressing the head lice challenges throughout the communities of families we are blessed to call our clients. May each of you experience a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
#family #Thanksgiving #grateful #thankful #head lice services #head lice removal #head lice products
Head lice enjoy the holidays too! Consistent combing will help to keep head lice out
while family and friends are being welcomed in!!
This segment of a webinar we did highlights the effectiveness of combing for prevention to eradication purposes. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages you to NOT inadvertently add to your guest list during the holiday season. Combing works! Call today to purchase your Terminator Comb! #head lice comb #head lice removal #head lice prevention #terminator comb #home for the holidays
Protect Your Kids and Fight Super Lice in Schools with
O.C.’s Hair Police
With O.C.’s Hair Police, you can help fight the growing number of “Superbugs” in schools using their non-toxic, non-abrasive Absolute Clear head-lice removal products.
Costa Mesa, CA October 1st – With the onset of the school year, the proliferation of head lice infestations grips communities nationwide. Yearly, more and more news outlets are highlighting the evolution of “super lice” or “superbugs”, called so because they are immune to most common anti-lice products. In past reports, articles on super lice across social media like HealthDay state that over 25 states host head lice populations that don’t respond to common over-the-counter treatments.
But, as head lice populations evolve to protect themselves from lice-removal, the good news is that super lice are still very easily and thoroughly eradicated if handled properly and at lower cost than most chemically-based products or prescription remedies. O.C.’s Hair Police, an Orange County based head lice-removal company, says their Non-Toxic Absolute Clear proprietary enzymes is one of the few sure-fire ways to protect schools and children from head lice outbreaks.
Absolute Clear is derived from naturally occurring enzymes. The human head louse cannot become resistant to natural enzymes EVER because the enzymes break down the exoskeleton of the louse versus attacking the nervous system. The nervous system incorporates the ongoing evolution of specific genes within the head louse gene pool to ultimately develop the necessary resistance in order to solidify its existence. The skeletal structure of the head louse cannot do the same to ward off its destruction by natural enzymes.
Absolute Clear is a non-toxic, non-abrasive, and hypoallergenic mix. These naturally occurring materials are combined with surfactants and other biologically stimulating ingredients. Further, the enzymes are successful in loosening the glue that attaches the nits to the hair shaft thereby eliminating their viability by moving them away from the scalp and necessary heat in order to incubate and ultimately thrive while making their removal much easier. O.C.’s Hair Police offers their Absolute Clear product line in local Southern California retail locations, within their Treatment Center, and/or online. Visit their website today and protect your family from super lice.
For more information and validation of HealthDay’s claim, PubMed.gov, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health provides the following information on the evolution of Super Lice. Head louse infestations are widespread throughout the world and have been increasing since the early 1990s partially because of ineffective pediculicides. Pyrethroid insecticides act on the nervous system affecting voltagesensitive sodium channels. Three-point mutations at the corresponding amino acid sequence positions M815I, T917I, and L920F in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene are responsible for contributing to knockdown resistance (kdr). Therefore, the “knockdown resistance (kdr)” toward pyrethroid is “…well established reaching an overall frequency of 88%, thus close to fixation.” In simpler terms, a chemically based OTC and/or prescription head lice remedy will fall into the above category of being 88% ineffective. This is true due to the fact that human head lice have developed nearly complete “fixation”, or resistance, to the pyrethroid insecticides placed in OTC and/or prescription remedies for the purposes of combating a head lice infestation.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James
OCHP is your EVERYTHING HEAD LICE Resource Center
OCHP seeks to provide your local community with our Professional Head Lice Removal Services along with our Non-Toxic head lice product line. We believe in a centralized focused effort in combatting head lice infestations inclusive of our manual removal process that is guaranteed to eradicate head lice each and every time when combined with our Non-Toxic ABSOLUTE CLEAR enzymes!

Your Location + Our Vocation = Head Lice Eradication
CALL, TEXT, OR EMAIL TODAY! 949.631.2675 · lousearrest@hairpoliceliceline.com
We will do our very best to open dialogue within the same day as your sent email. With respect to head lice removal service inquiries, we know you are anxious and will attempt to expedite our response to within one hour of your communication to us. We are “In It To Win It With You!”